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Background of the study: It is widely acknowledged that Nigerian roads are typically in a state of dilapidation, inadequately maintained, or completely without pavement. Nigeria has the greatest road network in Africa, however only approximately 60,000km out of a total 195,000km road network is paved. The majority of the country's road infrastructure was built during the 1980s and 1990s, and a significant amount of it is currently in a state of disrepair due to inadequate maintenance. The roads, despite being built or maintained, deteriorate quickly due to the utilisation of substandard materials (Nura et al., 2022). Although significant financial resources are allocated each year to infrastructure development projects, there is still a lack of visible evidence to support the justification of the fiscal commitment for road conditions. The Nigerian road network is primarily categorised into three distinct classifications. The first category is Trunk Road "A," which refers to the fundamental structure of the national road network and extends across different regional divisions. The finance, construction, and maintenance of this category of roads are the responsibilities of the Federal Government of Nigeria, specifically the Federal Ministry of Works and Housing. The second road is the Trunk Road "B" which serves as a connection between the main cities within states (Ewnetu, 2023).

The state governments provide funding, oversee construction, and handle maintenance of these facilities. Trunk Road "C" is classified as a local government authority-maintained road in Nigeria, typically without a paved surface. Although the Trunk Road "A" is solely the responsibility of the Federal Government and therefore should be maintained in excellent condition, it is evident that it has become a convenient route for criminals such as bandits and kidnappers. They exploit the numerous potholes and deteriorated surface conditions, which compel commuters to reduce their speed. Furthermore, travelling on major highways often involves excessively long delays due to various variables such as road repairs or accidents caused by poor road conditions (Nurul et al., 2022).

In Nigeria, inadequate road infrastructure remains a significant contributing cause to vehicle accidents. The National Bureau of Statistics, in collaboration with the Federal Road Safety Corps (FRSC), released the Quarter 2-2020 Road Transport Data report. According to the report, a total of 2,080 road crashes took place in Quarter 2-2020, with many of them being caused by the poor road conditions. Among the recorded road traffic accidents, 5,353 Nigerians had injuries, while 855 lost their lives. In Quarter 2-2020, the total number of cars involved in accidents was 3,334 (Myakala & Shankar, 2023). Virtually all Nigerians and every sector of the Nigerian economy depend on some sort of transit, with road transport being the most widely used method. Consequently, a well-developed road infrastructure that ensures prompt and uninterrupted transportation of both people and products is essential for driving economic advancement. Undoubtedly, a well-developed road network significantly impacts the ease and movement of the workforce between different locations. It is undeniably crucial for effective governance and the well-being of the people. Without a doubt, an efficient road network and infrastructure reduce production costs and increase productivity, especially in the agricultural sector where the transportation of commodities from the farm to customers plays a crucial role in the production process (Kamaludin & Qibthiyyah, 2022).

A well-developed road transport network is essential in the industrial sector to connect the production site with the final consumption destination. Studies have demonstrated a robust and favourable correlation between road transport and economic advancement in Nigeria. There is strong evidence to support the notion that transport infrastructure has a positive impact on the welfare of Nigerian citizens. Road transportation plays a significant role in a country's Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and has a direct impact on its economic growth by facilitating the transportation of products and services to the final consumer. This suggests that a well-developed transport infrastructure is a potent instrument in enhancing productivity and efficient dissemination of products and services, ultimately leading to an upsurge in the economic growth of a nation. Nevertheless, in light of the country's inadequate transport system, a 2018 research conducted by the National Planning Commission (NPC) determined that Nigeria's existing transport infrastructure does not correspond with its goal of becoming one of the world's top 20 economies. Recognising the correlation between well-developed road infrastructure and economic expansion, enhancing the transport system will generate a favourable cascading impact on the nation's gross domestic product (GDP).

​​​​​​​Statement of the study

The network of roads in Nigeria plays a crucial role in facilitating social and economic activities, as the extent and quality of the road network are directly linked to economic development. Roads are typically regarded as the primary public capital asset of a country, constituting approximately 15 to 30 percent of its Gross Domestic Product (GDP). The inadequate road infrastructure has become a matter of national disgrace, as there are few areas in the country that can claim to have well-maintained highways without any alternative options. This is compounded by the malfunctioning train system and the mostly ineffective air transport sector.

The study conducted in 2023, emphasises that the lack of good rural road infrastructure leads to insufficient access to social and economic possibilities. The enduring consequences of civil war and pervasive corruption have resulted in significant delays in providing essential services to rural areas, leading to widespread discontent among rural communities. In addition, Joshua et al., (2023) argue that numerous rural regions in Ngor Okpala continue to exhibit significant levels of unemployment, poverty, disparities, inadequate infrastructure, and deficient service provision. This condition has led to a sluggish rate of progress, particularly in terms of infrastructure development. According to Chaminuka, Senyolo, Makhura & Belete (2008), small-scale farmers in Nigeria face a significant obstacle in the form of high transaction costs caused by inadequate infrastructure. The same issue pertains to community people who persist in facing challenges in obtaining essential amenities such as water, electricity, and sanitation. According to Lawami (2019), the government has been unable to maintain the transport system as the primary catalyst for economic growth during the past few decades, hindering the ability of future generations to meet their needs. The primary objective of road infrastructure development is to guarantee universal mobility, enabling individuals to carry out their everyday household and business endeavours without any obstacles. Moreover, the establishment of sustainable road infrastructure results in enhanced quality of life, diminished poverty rates, and fostered economic expansion.

Rasila (2019) suggests that governments worldwide have implemented development plans to enhance the quality of life for their residents, particularly those residing in rural areas. Ezeuduji and Mgabhi (2023) highlight the significance of rural development in emerging nations like Nigeria, especially in rural communities with limited economic opportunities. It is also seen as a strategic instrument for enhancing the socio-economic development of individuals, with a primary emphasis on increasing residents' quality of life and augmenting their social and economic welfare.

The roads at Ngor-Okpala are said to be in a state of disrepair and are impeding productivity. Ogbe and Ejovi (2023) contend that the presence of well-maintained roads is an integral aspect of effective governance. They assert that the availability of good roads in Ngor-Okpala will facilitate increased productivity by providing convenient access to farming areas, enabling the transportation of agricultural produce to markets, and supporting other profitable endeavours that contribute to food security and overall well-being. According to the Guardian newspapers (2019), the poor condition of the roads in Ngor-Okpala acts as a deterrent for students, causing them to attend school irregularly and often arrive late. The reports indicate that the absence of electricity and effective healthcare in the area can be mitigated by the presence of adequate roads, which can motivate the population to engage in constructive activities. This study aims to reassess prior findings and examine the effects of inadequate road infrastructure on rural development, based on the assumption mentioned.

​​​​​​​Aims and objectives

The primary goal of this study is to assess poor road infrastructure and its impact on rural development. Specifically:

  1. To identify and examine the socio-economic characteristics of residents in Ngor Okpala Local Government Area.

  2. To examine the existing condition of road infrastructure in Ngor Okpala.

  3. To examine government contribution to rural road infrastructure development in the study area.

  4. To identify the various impacts of poor road infrastructure on rural development in Ngor Okpala.

​​​​​​​Research questions

  1. What are the the socio-economic characteristics of people in Ngor Okpala Local Government Area?

  2. What is the existing condition of road infrastructure in Ngor Okpala?

  3. Have there been any significant government contribution to rural infrastructure development in the Ngor Okpala?

  4. What are the impacts of poor road infrastructure on rural development in Ngor Okpala?

​​​​​​​Research hypotheses

Ho1: There is no significant relationship between poor road infrastructure and rural development.

Ha1: There is a significant relationship between poor road infrastructure and rural development.

​​​​​​​Scope of the study

This study has defined boundaries. The researcher has selected Imo state as the specific topic of inquiry. The roads inside the communities of Ngor Okpala local government area serve as important areas of study.

​​​​​​​Significance of the study

The significance of this study lies in the pertinence of its findings to the many stakeholders. The results of this study will uncover the socio-economic characteristics of residents of the selected study area. Additionally, it will reveal the difficulties that residents in the selected study area encounter owing to the current road condition. The convergence of these two requirements will provide lawmakers, public institutions and non-governmental agencies with guidance on the specific aspects of road infrastructural policy to advocate, and execute. Their intervention will mitigate the impact of impact of bad road infrastructure on rural development. Additionally, the currency of this study sets it apart from other previous studies.

​​​​​​​Structure of the thesis

This study is divided into five chapters. A background and direction of the study are captured in the chapter one. Chapter two deals with a review of related and relevant literature. This chapter is segmented into three sections- the conceptual, theoretical and empirical frameworks. Chapter three of this study describes the methods and approaches adopted in carrying out this study. In the chapter four, data collected are presented and analysed. The chapter five contains a summary of this investigation, a conclusion on the subject of inquiry, and possible recommendations.
